NECO 2023 Agric Science (Eassy & Obj) Questions and Answers

NECO Agric Science (Eassy&Obj) Questions and Answers 2023

SSCE Candidates looking for correct NECO Agric Science Questions and answers Objectives/Essay for 2023/2024 Exams are welcome. NECO Agricultural Science Objectives and Theory Questions and answers PDF download (Paper 1&2). 

2023 NECO Agricultural Science Objectives Questions and answers.




(i) Security of Tenure: It is to safeguard farmers against unreasonable eviction.
(ii) Ensuring Proper Land Use: This is ensure that agricultural land is not unnecessarily diverted to non agricultural purposes.
(iii) Government Projects: This is to make large tracts of land available for government sponsored development of large scale farms or resettlement schemes.
(iv) Influence on Size of Holdings: It is to prevent land fragmentation and encourage the consolidation of small holdings into large units.
(v) Control of Production: It is to encourage the production of certain produce and curtail the production of other through the control of land use.

(i) Education and Training: NGOs conduct workshops, training sessions, and awareness programs to educate beekeepers, farmers, and local communities about the importance of bees and sustainable beekeeping practices.
(ii) Access to Improved Beekeeping Equipment: Many NGOs work to provide beekeepers with modern and improved beekeeping equipment, such as beehives, protective gear, smokers, and honey extractors.
(iii) Research and Development: NGOs often conduct research on bee-related issues, such as bee diseases, habitat loss, and environmental threats.
(iv) Establishment of Beekeeping Cooperatives: NGOs facilitate the formation of beekeeping cooperatives to encourage collective efforts and resource-sharing among beekeepers.

(i) Tree puller does not compress the soil.
(ii) It does not remove the top soil which is very fertile.
(iii) The removal of the soil cover is avoided, thy retaining mulching effects of vegetative cover.
(iv) Land is less prone to erosive forces.
(v) The organic matter content of the soil is retained.
(vi) It leads to no na destruction of soil structure.

(i) Topography.
(ii) Soil type.
(iii) Accessibility.
(iv) Water Supply.
(v) Health/Hygiene.
(vi) Nearness to the Market.
(vii) Drainage.



(I). Closely related crops do not follow each other in the same sequence, since such crops will be drawing the same type of nutrients from the soil. e.g. Maize should not be followed by rice or sorghum in rotation.

(II) Deep rooted crops should not follow each other in the same sequence. Therefore, deep rooted crops should be followed by shallow rooted crops. For examples, yam should be followed by maize.

(III) Crops of the same family should not follow each other, since they will be susceptible to the same diseases and pests. e.g. maize, wheat, rice, sorghum and millet.

(IV) Period of fallow should be included in the rotational course, as thus will help to replenish the soil fertility.

(V) During fallowing, leguminous crops may be planted for building up more nitrogen.




(i) Formation of soil.
(ii) Source of plant nutrients.
(iii) Construction Purposes.
(iv) Erosion Control.
(v) Obstacles to farm implements.
(vi) Sharpening of farm tools.


(i) Irrigation softens the soil for easy tillage operations.
(ii) It increase crop productivity or crop yield.
(iii) Irrigation dissolves nutrients for root absorption.
(iv) Irrigation encourages the spread of weed seeds.
(v) Irrigation enables the crop to be well established even when rain is erratic.


=>The area of the farmland is A = πr²/4 = π(1960cm/2)²/4 = 3,018,306.92 cm²
(5aii) The number of mounds on the farmland is N = A/2m² = 1,509,153.46 mounds
(5aiii) The total number of setts needed is S = N * 5000 sett/ha = (N * 5000 sett/ha) * (10,000 m²/ha) = 75,457,673,000 setts
(I) intercropping with legumes or vegetables to improve soil fertility and reduce weed growth
(II)crop rotation with other crops like maize or cassava to reduce pest and disease pressure
(III)mulching to conserve soil moisture and suppress weed growth.

(i)Selecting appropriate tree species that are compatible with other crops in the system and can provide multiple benefits such as shade, soil improvement, and biodiversity conservation.
(ii) Planting trees at the appropriate density and spacing to avoid competition with other crops for resources such as water and nutrients.
(iii). Pruning and managing trees regularly to maintain a balance between their growth and the needs of other crops in the system.

(i) Impatiens spp. (touch-me-nots)
(ii) Cardamine hirsuta (hairy bittercress)
(iii) Oxalis spp. (wood sorrels)


It helps to reduce soil temperature, conserve soil moisture and prevent rotten of yam setts.

It ensures adequate exposure of the leaf surface to sunlight and increases yield.

To ensure even spreading and neatness of the vines to receive sunlight.

Pennisetum purpureum.

Axonopus compressus.

Stylosanthes gracilis.

Pueraria phaseoloides.

(i) Weeds help in checking soil erosion.
(ii) Some weeds ate useful as food for humans.
(iii) Some weeds serve as feed for livestock.
(iv) Certain weeds have medicinal properties.

Check the diagram



(i) It maintains body temperature by disturbing heat during circulation.
(ii) The red blood cell carries oxygen with help of haemoglobin to different parts of the body.
(iii) It transports hormones from ductless glands to their areas of activities
(iv) It helps to transport digested food to the cells.
(v) It also helps to maintain the water level of the body.

(i) They serve as source of income to farmers.
(ii) They are used in clothing materials, such as jackets.

(i) Egg is a source of protein in human food or diet.
(ii) Egg is industrially processed and is used to make paints and vanishes of printer’s ink.

(i) It is a rich source of protein, e.g. cow tail pepper soup.
(ii) It is used for some traditional outings in some societies.

Roll Back in Mins…..



Scale of preference is defined as a list of unsatisfied wants arranged in the order of their relative importance. OR It is a list showing the order in which we want to satisfy our wants arranged in order of priority. (CHOOSE ANY ONE YOU LOVE FROM THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SOUL).

(10bi – 10biii)

(i) Sales Account.
(ii) Purchase Account.

(i) It enables participants to debate issues and make sound judgments about lessons being taught.
(ii) It appeals to logic and reasoning.
(iii) It provides a problem-solving practical experience. That is, it makes learning easier.
(iv) It allows the teaching of a larger number of farmers at the same time.
(v) It is more economical in terms of time, energy and other resources compared to other methods.
(vi) Communication is made much easier for the extension officer and agent.






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