Waec 2021/2022 English language & Oral Questions And Answers

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Answer only one question in this sectionQuestionsYour words should not be less than 450 words. And you’re adviced to spend 50mins on this sectionVERY LIKELY QUESTIONS BELOW

1.Write a letter to your friend telling him or her about the lessons you have learnt from the recent excursion you had.

2.write an article suitable for publication in the National magazine on the topic indiscipline among the youths in country.

3.Write a letter to the minister of health discussing three ways by which the outbreak of malaria can be curbed.

4.Write a story that ends with ”its better late than never”

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Better late than never story
This is a story about an old man who lived in a village. He had two sons and one daughter. They were all well settled in their city life. His children would send him money every month so that he did not have any crisis. They also used to send letters to know about his well being.
Once in a year his sons and daughter would come to pay a visit to him but for the rest of the year his only source of communication was the letters. sometimes he would go to the post master of the village to read the letters for him because he did not know to read and write. The postmaster always used to help the old man reading and writing the letters for him.
 But unfortunately that post master died and a young postmaster got appointed. That young postmaster was a rude person who did not want to help the man. Slowly his way of communication with his children got cut off. He use to remain very upset.
     One day the head master of the village school came to him and asked about his disappointment. The old man told him that because of his being illiterate he is facing trouble to get in touch with his children. He described how he never went to school because of his commitments towards his family. After listening to the his problem, the head master gave him a solution that instead of asking help from others he should once again start going to school and read and write.
The old man said everybody would laugh at him at this age studying. The headmaster told is better late than never. So following his advice the man joined the night school and started reading and writing. within few months he started writing letters to his children and getting their answers too. By then he did not have to go to anyone to read the letter. That day he was clear on the proverb that better late than never.

English Answers
She never informed her children of her intention to visit because she always expect them to be at house

Mama whiled away the hours on the journey by chatting with a fellow passenger with whom she had a common reason for visitation

Mama couldn’t pay her taxi fare completely. Mama couldn’t communicate well with the new watchman due to language barrier

The taxi driver left with own of Mama’s bags because she owed him.

Mama will never forget what she had for dinner because that wasn’t the kind of food she eats when she visits her daughter

(i) Relative or adjectival cause
(ii) Functions as object complement to the word “passenger”

Mama learnt to always call before visiting

(i) unimaginable – unbelievable.
(ii)heartily – sincerely.
(iii) Outrageous- shocking.
(iv) numerous – many.
(v) Frantically- desperately.
(vi) fraudulent- deceitful.

Forest tree serve as protection against erosion

Logs gotten from Forests trees are processed into paper and
Woods from trees serves as an important material for building construction.

Forests feed the earth humans and animal that live in them

By the relevant authorities enacting Laws that will mandate tree planting to replace filled dries

Soft copies of books should be preferred to hard copies

By government discouraging the cultivation of forests as farmlands by creating forests reserve.

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