Romantic Goodnight Message for my Lovers


Romantic good night message for my love

Good night message for my love should not be over thought, to retain its organic aspect. It is said love is in the little things you do; spontaneity is what makes it great. In love, words might speak as much as actions provided they are strategic and precise in meaning. For instance, a good night message for your love, vividly written to express your intentions clearly, might bring pleasure to your lover, ushering a great night full of sweet dreams.

Romantic good night love message for my wife

Loving one person into marriage is always proof enough that your love is strong enough to defeat all odds. However, maintain the love throughout your marriage, is a completely new level of challenge. This is because you will have children and get new responsibilities, which will consume all of your time, reducing the amount of time you spend together. To beat this, it is important for you to maximize on the little available time you have for your wife; but of course, you will always create more time during vacations and the course of the year.

Evening and morning hours present an opportunity for you to show some love to your wife. You can choose to cook or express yourself, honestly, by writing goodnight love message to her. If possible do this every night, in spite of the situation of your marriage, as kind words always have a way to lessen difficulties and make them more bearable.

Writing the right goodnight messages for your wife can be quite a challenge to many, not because you do not know what to write, but because you find it hard to get the right words to express your feelings. Do not despair. It does not have to be poetic; but if it is, the better.

When writing a good night message for your wife, it is crucial for you to follow a specific structure that will help you communicate effectively. For starters, you have to be specific in your message. This should be more pronounced in the short, good night messages. Start with a simple greeting followed by your main point and a few romantic words for the night and wish her a lovely night. Below are some examples of good night message for your wife.

“The night might be dark, long and scary, but my life will always be bright and beautiful provided you are by my side. Good night my love.”

“Through you I see my dreams breathing, I see a future brighter than the pitch night, I see a family beautiful and strong, you have been good to me and our children. You are the angel gifted to me from heaven, to light my nights. I love you, good night.”

These messages helped your wife feel appreciated and loved, even more.

Customizing these messages and saving them on your phone will make it easy for you send it to your wife without missing on your routine. Good night, text message for my love should be short and romantic. Alternatively, you can choose to subscribe to good night message for my wife application in the market, for a constant supply of goodnight messages that you can send your wife.

Good night love message for my husband

In most families, the role of a man has always been the head, a dominant role that can sometimes weigh down the bearer. As a wife, having the back of your husband, means constant support and encouragement. This keeps him motivated to go out of his way and fend for the family. Arguably, in the modern family set up, a woman’s place has been re-defined to suit the current social, economic and political atmosphere; but the dominance of a man in a family has remained intact. To maintain a good family, it is important for you, as the wife, to support your husband using all possible. This includes sending a good night love message to your husband.

For a long time now, sending good night love messages to your husband has been a reserve for ‘special’ occasions. This should not be the case as every day in marriage is special, in its own right. To unravel your man’s hidden emotions, you need to shake him up a little bit, by frequently sending him good night messages. Honestly, who does not like to feel loved? Well, men like to feel loved and appreciated. You can write romantic good night note and place it under the pillow for your husband to read. Alternatively, you can choose to send him a short romantic text message to wish him a good night.

Below is an example of a good night love message for my husband that you can use:

“Your presence in my life gives me a sense of security and belonging. Ever since you came into my life, I have had bright nights and sweet dreams. My past has been reduced to a mere past and nothing much. I look forward to viewing many more stars with you my love. I love you, good night.”

Source: YEN

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