2018 WAEC Civic Education Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – MAY/JUNE 2018 Expo Runz

Here Are Verified Neco 2017 Civic Objectives & Theory Anwers





i)HIV infection is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. You can get HIV from contact with infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluids.

ii)Most people get the virus by having unprotected sex with someone who has HIV.

iii)Another common way of getting it is by sharing drug needles with someone who is infected with HIV.

iv)The virus can also be passed from a mother to her baby during pregnancy, birth, or breast-feeding.


i)Night sweats
ii)Fever lasting for more than a month
iii)About 20% weight loss or loss of appetite
iv)Dry cough lasting for more than a month
v)Itching stain infections.
vi)Swelling around the armpit and private part Shingles- a small reddish rash all over the slain appearing more than once
vii)Oral thrush whitish sports in the mouth

Human trafficking is the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation for the traffickers.

i)Poverty:This is a situation where a person fall short of a level of economic welfare, where a person lacks the basic human want which are clothing, food and shelter.

ii) Lack of employment opportunities : Due to the bad economic situation of some countries that made some people jobless, some people therefore get lured and deceived by traffickers because they want to get out of the country and thereby using them as slaves and prostitutes in other countries.

iii)Profit : Because of the profits the trafficker wants to make from doing trafficking business make them to engage themselves in such evil business all because of pro

iv)Illiterates : Illiterates are those who are not able to read or write, illiteracy has made so many people to become a victim of trafficking, for instance, signing on a paper you do not have any knowledge about.

v)Economic system : Because of poor economic system of some countries the citizens prefer to live somewhere else and would not mind to go anywhere and because of this they become a victim.

vi)Greed : Some people are not satisfied with what they have, because of the love to earn more than what they can have they end up falling into the hands of traffickers.


Pubic Service is a body or a department in the executive arm of the Government responsible for the execution of the policies and programmes of the Government.

i)Colonial Influence: Most public corporations incorporated in Nigeria during the colonial era are no longer inform since the departure of colonial masters who were the initiators of this public corporation.

ii)Corruption : The effectiveness of the public service has been slowed down by bribery and corruption to the extent that publi servants fail to perform their official duties as they look forward to bribery before carrying out their duties.

iii)Bureaucracy: This means the excessive use of formalities in the public service which may militate against effectiveness.

iv)Tribalism: This has been the yardstick for choosing who to employ and sack in the Nigerian public service.

v)Lack of Qualified Personnel: Most people in various public service offices either neglect their right jobs or have little or no experience about it but carry out such services due to their search for greener pasture.

vi)Political Interference : Many Governments in power do not allow the free flow of duties due to their undue interference which at most times is only favorable to politicians.

Civil society refers to any non-governmental entity formed by a group of people with similar interests who come together to work on a common goal

i)Civil society makes state at all level to be accountable, responsive and to be more effective. They help to limit and control the power of the state

ii)It promotes political participatio through the process of educating people about the about their rights and obligations as democratic citizen and also encourage them to participate in election.

iii)Building community; engagement and participation in voluntary associations also has the potential to strengthen bonds among citizens.

iv)Socialization; civil society contributes to the formation and practice of democratic attitudes among citizens. Thus people learn to develop tolerance, mutual trust and the ability to relate with people.

v)It can also help to play an important role in meditating and helping to resolve conflict.

Tags: Best Civic Education Objectives & Theory Questions & Answers 2017 NECO Exam,2017/2018 NECO Civic Education Questions, 2017/2018 OBJ Questions, NECO, NECO Civic Education, NECO Civic Education OBJ and Theory Answers 2017, NECO Civic Education OBJ Questions, NECO Civic Education Questions, NECO Civic Education Questions 2017

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Real and Confirmed WAEC Civic Education Questions and Expo Answer – May/June 2018
Verified WAEC 2018 May/June Civic Education OBJ and Essay Answer and Solution to the question

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